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What is Expanded Numerology and how does it influence your life?

Expanded Numerology only uses the time of your birth to reveal:

  • the clear messages for every minute of every hour

  • the hidden pattern that affect your life

  • how to address them in the only that is right for you so you can stop wasting your time fumbling in the dark and filling other people’s pockets with your hard won money


With Expanded Numerology you get to know yourself so you can fulfil your life and understand what you keep on attracting, what you must work with and how to overcome the obstacles that the universe throws your way to help you grow and evolve.

As you can see the influences are both internal (your gifts and flaws) and external (people reacting a certain way to you, opportunities that can appear suddenly - irrespective of what you may or may not be doing).

By holding on to both sides of destiny’s halter, you can improve the hand fate plays at co-creating your future with you.